πŸ‘‰ Hasbro strategisch spel kopen? Kijk snel! - PrijsBest.nl
Carson City: The Card Game 8719327009390
18 Carson City: The Card Game

Hasbro strategisch spel nodig?

πŸ‘‰ Ticket To Ride (Engels) 824968717912
€ 34,
Ticket to Ride
Ticket To Ride is een treinavontuur dat je dwars door Amerika voert. Spelers verzamelen in Ticket To Ride kaarten met verschillende types treinwagons, die het hen mogelijk maken een claim te doen gelden op treinroutes tussen de steden van Noord- Amerika. Hoe langer de routes, hoe meer punten ze winnen. Bijkomende punten kunnen gesc...
πŸ‘‰ Carcassonne Big Box
€ 66,
Carcassonne Big Box
999 Games Carcassonne Big Box 1 Carcassonnepakket met het basisspel en maar liefst 9 uitbreidingen! Wat zit er precies in? Carcassonne basisspel : een van de meest gespeelde legspellen van de laatste jaren Carcassonne: De Uitbreiding : met hoofdmannen, herbergen en kathedralen Carcassonne: Kooplieden en Bouwmeesters : verdien extra...
πŸ‘‰ Asmodee Star Wars X-wing 2.0 Starter Miniatures Game Engels
€ 39,
Star Wars X-wing 2.0 Starter Miniatures Game
Enter the next era of interstellar combat in the Star Wars galaxy! Out of the X-Wing Second Edition Core Set, you can start to assemble your own squadron of iconic starfighters from across the Star Wars saga and engage in fast-paced, high-stakes space combat with iconic pilots such as Luke Skywalker and Iden Versio. With refined ga...
πŸ‘‰ Terraforming Mars 696859265808
€ 59,
Terraforming Mars
In the 2400s, mankind begins to terraform the planet Mars. Giant corporations, sponsored by the World Government on Earth, initiate huge projects to raise the temperature, the oxygen level, and the ocean coverage until the environment is habitable. In Terraforming Mars, you play one of those corporations and work together in the te...
πŸ‘‰ Terraforming Mars: Prelude
€ 20,
Terraforming Mars: Prelude
As the mega corporations are getting ready to start the terraforming process, you now have the chance to make those early choices that will come to define your corporation and set the course for the future history of Mars - this is the prelude to your greatest endeavors!In Terraforming Mars: Prelude, you choose from Prelude cards t...
πŸ‘‰ Asmodee Star Wars - Legion
€ 89,
Star Wars - Legion
πŸ‘‰ Beyond Baker Street
€ 32,
Beyond Baker Street
Engelse beschrijving Beyond Baker Street:A heinous crime has been committed. A team of the Kingdom's finest detectives has been assembled and put on the case. They have a prime suspect, they have a motive, and they know what the opportunity to commit the crime was. Now all they have to do is prove it.Using powers of deduction and c...
πŸ‘‰ Engels bordspellen Wingspan (Engelse versie inclusief Swift-Start Pack) 644216627721
€ 57,
Stonemaier Games gezelschapsspel Wingspan karton wit/blauw
Stonemaier Games Wingspan gezelschapsspel Verzamel voedseltokens door het rollen van de dobbelstenen. Gebruik de voederbak voor de vogels. Leg eieren met de unieke mini-eitjes in allerlei kleuren! Gebruik de honderden unieke vogelkaarten! De winnaar is degene met de meeste punten na vier rondes. Specificaties: Kleur: wit, blauw, mu...
πŸ‘‰ Time Stories (including Asylum Mission) 3558380031000
€ 36,
Time Stories (including Asylum Mission)
Description from the publisher:The T.I.M.E Agency protects humanity by preventing temporal faults and paradoxes from threatening the fabric of our universe. As temporal agents, you and your team will be sent into the bodies of beings from different worlds or realities to successfully complete the missions given to you. Failure is i...
πŸ‘‰ Blauw Asmodee Pandemic: Legacy - Season 1 Engels, Blue edition 681706711706
€ 64,
Pandemic Legacy Blue (ENG)
Pandemic Legacy is a co-operative campaign game, with an overarching story-arc played through 12-24 sessions, depending on how well your group does at the game. At the beginning, the game starts very similar to basic Pandemic, in which your team of disease-fighting specialists races against the clock to travel around the world, tre...
πŸ‘‰ Dark Souls: The Board Game 5060453691878
€ 124,
Dark Souls The Board Game
Bereid je voor om te sterven! Om de komst van de duisternis te voorkomen, is een vloek over de mensheid ontketend. U bent de gekozen ondoden, dragers van de vloek, en het is op u dat het lot van deze wereld rust. Zullen jullie je voor eeuwig bij de Soul of Cinder aansluiten en de kwelling verlengen of een tijdperk van de mensheid i...
πŸ‘‰ Sid Meier's Civilization: A New Dawn
€ 50,
Sid Meier's Civilization: A New Dawn
Sid Meier's Civilization: A New Dawn is a strategy board game in which two to four players act as the rulers of history's most memorable empires. Over the course of the game, players will expand their domains, gain new technologies, and build many of humanity's greatest wonders. In the end, one nation will rise above all others to...
πŸ‘‰ Ticket To Ride: New York (EN)
€ 22,
Ticket to Ride New York
Ticket to Ride: New York features the familiar gameplay from the Ticket to Ride game series collect cards, claim routes, draw tickets but on a scaled-down map of Manhattan that allows you to complete a game in no more than 15 minutes.Each player starts with a supply of 15 taxis, two transportation cards in hand, and one or two dest...
πŸ‘‰ Carson City: The Card Game 8719327009390
€ 18,
Carson City: The Card Game
Van dit Nederlandstalige spel is momenteel alleen een Engelse beschrijving beschikbaar.In Carson City: The Card Game, each player is in charge of developing a city. You and your opponents try to choose the most lucrative parcels of land and buildings, then place these parcels and buildings wisely so as to make your city as prospero...
πŸ‘‰ Pandemic Legacy Season 0 841333111038
€ 84,
Pandemic Legacy Season 0
πŸ‘‰ Gloomhaven Jaws of the Lion
€ 53,
Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion
Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion is a standalone game that takes place before the events of Gloomhaven. The game includes four new characters Valrath Red Guard (tank, crowd control), Inox Hatchet (ranged damage), Human Voidwarden (support, mind-control), and Quatryl Demolitionist (melee damage, obstacle manipulation) that can also be u...
πŸ‘‰ Bordspel Tiny Towns - 8718026303594
€ 33,
Tiny Towns
Welkom! Je bent de burgemeester van een klein stadje in het bos, waar de kleinere wezens van het bos een samenleving hebben gecreerd die verborgen is voor roofdieren. Dit nieuwe land is klein en de middelen zijn schaars je neemt wat je kunt krijgen en zegt nooit nee tegen grondstoffen. Plan slim en bouw een bloeiende stad, maar bou...
πŸ‘‰ Majesty - For the Realm (Nordic) 7350065323419
€ 34,
Majesty - For the Realm Nordic
The crown is up for grabs to whoever can build the richest domain and seize it from their rivals. It'll take a whole kingdom's worth of people to accomplish this monumental task. Rally your citizens, grow your power, and reign supreme in Majesty: For the Realm, a game of strategically selecting who you want to work your lands set d...
πŸ‘‰ Mannen Asmodee Mansions of Madness Engels, 2nd Edition 841333101213
€ 84,
Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition
In Mansions of Madness liggen gruwelijke monsters en bovennatuurlijke aanwezigheden op de loer, in landhuizen, crypten, scholen, kloosters, en vervallen gebouwen in de buurt van Arkham, Massachusetts. Sommige plannen donkere samenzweringen, terwijl anderen wachten om ongelukkige slachtoffers te verslinden of tot krankzinnigheid te...
πŸ‘‰ Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy 6430018279015
€ 145,
Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy