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Information security management is the discipline that focuses on protecting and securing these assets against the threats of natural disasters, fraud and other criminal activity, user error and system failu... Asl 2 Bruna.nl Bekijk Samenvatting Rubriek:Computing / Business-IT Serie:Best Practice IT Management reeks Trefwoorden:ASL (Application Service Library) Bedrijfsprocessen BiSL (Business Information Services Library) ASL, application Service Library, is als publicdomain-standaard ht procesframework voor applicatiemanagement. Dit handboek geeft u een gede... SOA Source Book Ebook.nl Bekijk The book is a collection of source material for use by enterprise architects working with Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). It consists of material that has been considered and in part developed by The Open Group SOA Working Group1. The SOA Working Group is engaged in a work program to produce definitions analyses recommendation... IT Financial Management Paagman.nl Bekijk It is now accepted that IT functions are a fundamental part of the competitive business model. Instead of simply offering services IT must `create value for the business. This practical title describes the strong financial skills that IT managers must have in order to support: Operations: Finance departments rely heavily on IT mana... SOA Source Book Paagman.nl Bekijk The book is a collection of source material for use by enterprise architects working with Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). It consists of material that has been considered and in part developed by The Open Group SOA Working Group1. The SOA Working Group is engaged in a work program to produce definitions, analyses, recommendati... E-Book: TOGAF Version 9 (english version) Bruna.nl Bekijk TOGAF 9 certified Blokker.nl Bekijk The TOGAF 9 certification program is a knowledge-based certification program. 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ASL en BiSL praktijkcases Proxis.com Bekijk Samenvatting Recensies Inkijkexemplaar Reviews (0) De ontwikkeling van Application Services Library ASL en Business InformationServices Libray BiSL is begonnen in Nederland, zo'n tien tot vijftien jaargeleden. Deze libraries beschrijven het werk van applicatiebeheerders (ASL) envan functioneel beheerders en informatiemanagers (BiSL... |